When Parents Overreact to Their Child's Thoughts and Behaviors, the Child Feels Isolated and Unsafe.
Preserving Dignity in a Dying Loved One
Maintaining a Dying Loved One's Dignity Is Achieved Through Caring For the Entire Person
Anxiety Lives in the Space Between Who We Are and Who We Want People to See
If the Gap Between Who We Are and Who We Want People to See Is Wide, Anxiety Has Room to Breed
The Affair “Bubble” Is A Place of Deception and Delusion
When relationship crises strike, some people sneak away into a secret fantasy world that is all sty;e, and no substance.
The Little Known OCD Subtype that Could Kill
Obsession with thoughts of one's own death does not always constitute suicidality.
Telling Loved Ones to Fight Through Anxiety or Depression Adds Injury to Insult
Anxiety and Depression are Disorders that When Exacerbated By Guilt, Shame, and Isolation, Can Result in Self-Harm or Suicide
Caring For a Caregiver
When I was 9 years old, my grandfather suffered a debilitating stroke from which he would never recover. As is often the case in families, my mother, the oldest of three children, assumed responsibility for his care while he lay in an infantile state two floors above mine. Everyday before dawn, she bathed, fed, and medicated him while my grandmother watched her daughter assume a role she never should have played. After the early morning shift, she resumed her role as married mother of three before tending to my grandfather’s nightly needs before finally sleeping for a few hours before the cycle repeated. My mother was no longer afforded a…
Dear Parents, Stop Scapegoating Your Kids
When Children Are Scapegoated as Identfied Problems, Their Self-Esteem Takes a Hit
What the “Temperature” of Children’s Aggression Suggests
All Children Will Exhibit Aggression at Some Point, but Certain Contexts of Aggression Indicate Possible Childhood Behavioral Disorders...
Our Suicide Epidemic Is Worse Than We Would Like to Believe
Suicide is our country's second most prevalent killer, yet research lags, and misjudgment obscures the truth.