Anxiety and Depression are Disorders that When Exacerbated By Guilt, Shame, and Isolation, Can Result in Self-Harm or Suicide
Caring For a Caregiver
When I was 9 years old, my grandfather suffered a debilitating stroke from which he would never recover. As is often the case in families, my mother, the oldest of three children, assumed responsibility for his care while he lay in an infantile state two floors above mine. Everyday before dawn, she bathed, fed, and medicated him while my grandmother watched her daughter assume a role she never should have played. After the early morning shift, she resumed her role as married mother of three before tending to my grandfather’s nightly needs before finally sleeping for a few hours before the cycle repeated. My mother was no longer afforded a…
How Antisocial Media Happens
Ellen Page's Accusation Against Chris Pratt Creates a Divisive Antisocial Media
Dear Parents, Stop Scapegoating Your Kids
When Children Are Scapegoated as Identfied Problems, Their Self-Esteem Takes a Hit
The Problem With “Color Blindness”
Rejecting Racism Through Color Blindness Does Nothing to Eradicate Racism. In Fact, It Perpetuates It.
Welcome to My Risk
Each of us will review our lives as we age. What we will most regret is that which we leave unfinished.